Where is the U.S. Navy Going To Put Them All? (Part 2)
Part 2: UUVs, Fire Scouts and buoys and why the Navy needs lot’s of them. Guest post by Jan Musil. Sketch by Jan Musil. Hand drawn on quarter-inch graph paper. Each square equals twenty by twenty feet. This article, the second of the series, lays out a suggested doctrine of use for the UUVs and Fire Scouts that have already been developed. It is an incremental strategy, primarily calling for using what the Navy already has in hand, adding use of buoys in quantity combined with appropriate doctrinal changes and vigorously applying the result to the ASW mission. In getting this program underway the U.S. Navy can utilize existing sensors, whether for prosecuting ASW, developing sonar projections of the water below, including occasional deep diving missions and whatever else we find a need for the UUV to do. In practice though, generating useful results is far easier to accomplish if the UUV is routinely, though not exclusively, used with a tether so the data...