Minehunting Robots in the Middle East: IMCMEX 2014

This year's United States FIFTH Fleet's International Mine Countermeasures Exercise is well underway in Middle East waters, running until 13 November. This third iteration of the exercise will be the largest ever, with 6,500 sailors from 44 nations and 38 ships participating. As with past exercises , unmanned undersea vehicle detachments from several countries will show off their latest hardware in a realistic operating environment. A total of 19 UUVs will take part in the waters of the Arabian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, and the northern Red Sea. On the U.S. side, a focus will be placed on overcoming unmanned mine-countermeasures challenges including the transfer of sensor data at sea, reducing unmanned mission duration, and enhancing trust in autonomy. One of the new unmanned technologies to be demonstrated during the exercise is Northrop Grumman's Mine-Hunting Unit (MHU) . The MHU unmanned surface vehicle tested its ability to deploy, tow, and...